Bronchial Adenoma

The term bronchial adenoma is a misnomer. As even though being ADENOMA, it has malignant potential.

Bronchial adenomas are a histologically and clinically diverse group of respiratory tract neoplasms arising from mucous glands and ducts of the tracheobronchial tree. They represent 1% of pulmonary malignancies. The traditional concept of a single, histologically benign form is challenged and the malignant potential of these tumors is stressed.

Three main cell types with their characteristic histopathologic and clinical features are discussed: carcinoid, adenoid cystic carcinoma, and mucoepidermoid carcinoma.

A case of bronchial carcinoid with hepatic metastases is reported, emphasizing the malignant potential of this controversial group of tumors. The appropriate diagnostic evaluation is outlined and aggressive surgical management is stressed. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy which are reserved mainly for palliation do not add to overall five year survival rates.

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